The Optoelectronics Technology Center (OTC) was established to facilitate fundamental advances in photonics and optoelectronics by a team of faculty in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Materials Departments. It has been involved in various multicampus consortia funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other agencies since the early nineties. More recently ARPA-E has become a major supporter of some key efforts. The general goals have been to advance the state-of-the-art in chip-to-chip optical interconnects, data-center efficiency, optical fiber communications, and biosensors. A main aspect of the Center's charter is to encourage collaboration between academia and the U.S. industry in order to accelerate the realization of practical, manufacturable technologies.
Larry A. Coldren is a Research Professor in the ECE and Materials Departments. His current interests are in III-V Photonic Integrated Circuits for high-efficiency, high-speed communication and sensing. He is a member of NAE, a Fellow of NAI, the IEEE, the OSA, and the IEE. He is a recipient of the John Tyndall, Aron Kressel, David Sarnoff, IPRM and NIck Holonyak Awards. He has co-authored over a thousand journal and conference papers, a popular textbook, and 63 patents.
Jonathan Klamkin is an Associate Professor in the ECE Department. He leads the Integrated Photonics Group conducting pioneering research in integrated photonic technologies for communications and sensing. He is the recipient of a NASA Early Career Faculty Award and a DARPA Young Faculty Award. He is an Associate Editor for Photonics Technology Letters, the Chair for the 2018 Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophtonics Conference, and the Vice-Chair for the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Subcommittee on Microwave Photonics. Prof. Klamkin has authored 180 papers and is a Senior Member of both the IEEE and OSA.
Clint L. Schow is a Professor in the ECE Department. His research interests focus on closely integrating electronics and photonics to push the boundaries of speed and efficiency for the photonic links and networks that underpin data centers and high performance computers. He is a Fellow of the OSA and a Senior Member of the IEEE, has authored over 180 journal and conference papers, and has 28 issued patents.